Amendment No. 3 to SB2258
Signature of Sponsor
AMEND S e n ate Bill No. 2258 House Bill No. 1832*
by deleting Section 11 and substituting instead the following:
SECTION 11. Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 39-17-452(a), is amended by
adding the following language as a new subdivision (a)(1) and redesignating the existing subdivisions accordingly:
(A) Unless specifically excepted or unless listed in another schedule, it is an offense for a person under the age of twenty-one (21) to knowingly purchase or possess Kratom in the form of a tea, dietary supplement, or food ingredient. All persons purchasing Kratom must present valid, government-issued photo identification at the point of sale.
(i) To be eligible for sale in this state, Kratom in the form of a tea, dietary supplement, or food ingredient must be manufactured in compliance with the requirements of sections 402(g)(2), 415, and 761 of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, codified in 21 U.S.C. §§ 342(g)(2), 350d, and 379aa-1.
(ii) All Kratom products must consist of the raw leaf and in the form of either:
(a) Dried, cut, and sifted leaf; or
(b) Raw tea leaf powder.
(iii) Retail Kratom products may only be sold as follows:
(a) Raw, powdered tea leaf encapsulated in vegetarian or gelatin capsules, not to exceed nine hundred milligrams (900 mg.) per capsule,
Amendment No. 3 to SB2258
Signature of Sponsor
AMEND S e n ate Bill No. 2258 House Bill No. 1832*
packaged in bottles containing no more than one hundred twenty (120) capsules per bottle; or
(b) Raw, powdered tea leaf or dried, cut, and sifted leaf in pouches containing no more than five ounces (5 oz.) of raw material per pouch.